Losing Sleep Over Tax Worries?

We’ve helped hundreds of people just like you overcome tax troubles, often settling their accounts with the IRS for a small fraction of what they originally owed.

Free Consultation

Take your first step toward freedom from back taxes with a Free Consultation with CLAW Tax. We guarantee your initial consultation is 100% free, and we won’t ask a cent from you unless we honestly believe we can help you overcome your tax problems.

For clients that qualify for tax help, we can usually get started on your case the same day as your consultation.


Help for Your Unique Situation

Some of our most popular tax resolution services in Minnesota and Wisconsin include:

  • Offer in Compromise (OIC) negotiations and Installment Agreements (IA),
  • Releases for tax liens, bank levies and wage garnishments,
  • Filing back taxes, and
  • Representing clients before the IRS during tax audits or examinations.

No matter what tax issue is keeping you up at night, you can rest assured that CLAW Tax will fight for your rights as a taxpayer with trustworthy, knowledgeable and aggressive legal representation.


Get Help Today

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Real Clients, Real Results

Since 2020 we have helped our clients save an average of 93% on their back taxes–that’s an average savings of $80,743 per client.

  • Devin from St. Paul settled with the IRS for less than 1% of what he owed
  • Tiffany from Minneapolis settled her tax problems for $20
  • Joan from St. Paul settled her IRS account for $20
  • David from Minneapolis settled with the IRS for $50
  • Christopher from Montgomery, MN saved nearly $1.5 million

“A tax lien on my credit report was hindering prospective employers and qualifying for a home loan. Within 6 months the IRS accepted an offer of Compromise and 2 months later the Tax Lien was removed from my credit report!”

Pattie K.

“I am 76 years old and had the possibility of losing my house and having my Social Security benefits levied due to approximately 16 years of past due Federal taxes totaling nearly $50.000.00… We submitted an OIC (offer in kind) and settled for $346.00.”

Roger E.

“My husband and I can breathe again! Although we were making installment payments to the IRS on back taxes, the penalties and interest were accumulating faster than we could pay. Our advisor explained everything every step of the way and continues to answer questions we might have even [after] our Offer In Compromise was accepted by the IRS.”

Sally R.

Get Started with CLAW Tax Today

Don’t let penalties and interest add up one more day.
Don’t let the IRS garnish one more paycheck.
Don’t answer one more harassing phone call from the IRS.
Don’t spend one more minute worrying about your tax troubles without contacting CLAW Tax.

Contact CLAW Tax today, and sleep better tonight.